Are you on the fence about hiring a web designer in Cape Town? Well, allow us to nudge you in the “yes” direction.

With today’s online tools and free site builders, it’s never been easier to do your own web design. But, it’s never been harder to do it well.

Here are 8 reasons you should hire a web designer in cape town for your next project.

1. Because You Don’t Have the Time to Do it

They really make it look easy on the on the commercials, don’t they? Just pop your images over here, and your text over here, oh and you can just stick a video wherever you want. And you’re done!

They say it’s no harder than putting together a Powerpoint presentation. But what we all forget is that putting together a presentation is an awful and hateful experience that takes approximately 5 times longer than you expected.

You can multiply that time by another 10 when it comes to building a website. Just because you could build a site in 15 minutes doesn’t mean you will… or you should.

You can build a real hot mess of a website in 15 minutes. Building a good one takes considerably longer.

2. Because You’re Not an Expert on SEO

You need this website to gain the respect of search engines. And unless you’re already an expert on SEO, there is way too much to learn for you to try this on your own.

You can download a tip sheet from the internet to show you how to properly optimize your site, but if that sheet was made in 2016, it’s already out of date.

A quality web designer in Cape Town stays up-to-date on current SEO trends, and can advise you on the best way to build your site.

3. Because You’re Also Not an Expert on UX

Trust us when we say this is way harder than it sounds. User Experience is the art and science of predicting how your user wants to navigate through your site and giving them exactly what they want.

This is way easier to screw up than it is to get right. And if you do it wrong, your user gets a frustrating and confusing experience, and will quickly abandon your site.

This is particularly important if you have an e-commerce site and need people to travel from that first click, to filling their cart, to making a purchase.

4. Because Free Online Website Builders are Clunky

If you use one of these free website builders you’re probably going to find your site’s load speeds are not-so-great. That’s because these tools come with a lot of extra bulky coding you don’t need on your site, and that will slow you down.

That’s bad for two reasons:

  1. This kills your SEO ranking. Google places value on your site’s load speed
  2. People will not wait for your site. Almost half of users will not wait 3 seconds for a page to load

These free options also don’t offer great hosting either, which can also slow you down. They’re not really suitable for high-volume sites. So the better your business does and the more traffic you get, the more your site will slow down.

And most of these packages aren’t really scalable to upgrade your hosting when the need arises. You’re far better off doing things the right way from the very start.

5. Because Free Online Website Builders are Unprofessional

If you’re building a website for a business of any sort, a tiny “Built by Wix” or any other type of watermark in the corner of your website is really unprofessional and unacceptable.

It instantly conveys to your audience that:

  1. You’re new and inexperienced
  2. You’re not doing well financially
  3. You’re not taking things seriously

You know what they say about first impressions. And that little watermark can absolutely ruin one.

6. Because Mistakes are Expensive

If you make a mistake on your website, it only costs you your time to fix it, right? Wrong.

If there is an issue with your site, it’s going to cost you business and sales leads. In fact, once people leave your site, guess where they will go next? That’s right, to your competitor’s website.

7. Because Free Websites Actually Cost Money and Paying for a Website Actually Makes Money

You may think you can’t afford a web designer in Cape Town, but the truth is you really can’t afford to not hire one. A bad website will actually cost you money, as it leaks your sales leads right into your competition’s sales funnel.

Your site should be a lead generation and marketing tool that actually makes you money. If that’s not the case, you need to find out what’s wrong ASAP and fix it.

Your website needs to be your best salesperson and your face to the entire world. Make sure you’re giving it a chance to succeed.

8. Because a Web Designer in Cape Town Has Access to Other Experts

Most web designers have a great network of digital marketing experts at their disposal. That means they’re never more than a click or two away from a:

These are all great people to have on your team, as each one of them brings a unique skill set that can help you build your overall web presence. Even if you don’t need one today, when you do, they will be there.

Ready to Talk About Your Project?

Our team brings together SEO experts, creative designers, marketing professionals, software and web developers, technical architects and content specialists to offer integrated client solutions in Cape Town.

What can we do for you? Click here to contact us to find out.