Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Cape Town

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

It is easier than you think!

What is SEO? What does SEO stand for? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It encapsulates over 200 methodologies, in one single pursuit, to ensure your website ranks as high as possible on the search engine results page (SERPS).
More specifically, Google. SEO is all about making Google happy. A “happy” Google means improved search engine rankings.

In its simplest form, it involves making changes to your website that enable google to search,and index your site.

If your competitors are ranking well, trust me they have help. You should hire an SEO specialist to SEO your website sooner rather than later, especially if your competitors are ranking well. You don’t want to fall behind!
We are a SEO company in Cape Town, South Africa, we can help you out!

WHY DO I NEED SEO services?

The common misconception is anyone can SEO. It’s a misconception for a reason! And, an expensive one. SEO is not easy. Yes, the concept is simple. But the rules and strategies are varied and anything but straight forward.

You can have a stunning site, with great content, and active social media platforms but still not rank. It’s not that your website is not doing its job, it just needs a little SEO love to boost its domain strength, visibility and ultimately; increase its revenue by getting your visitors to convert into customers.

SEO is like a traffic warden, directing high volume organic search to your site. It enables those searching for you, your products and/or your services, to find you. It ensures you rank higher, that you answer the questions people are searching for – and that you are found by and speak directly to your target market. The latest research simply highlights the point. 75% of search engine users do not visit the second page of search engine results. This means, if your website URL is sitting on page 3, people will never find you. They will never even know you exist. Search engine optimization will increase traffic to your website and help generate more leads for your business.

As an example, let’s say you own a business that manufactures bunk beds made to last a lifetime. Along comes a big property developer, looking for sturdy ‘student beds’ on If you have SEO-ed your website properly, you might appear on the first page of the search results. The property developer orders 100,000 student bunk beds and you can now retire. If you hadn’t SEO-ed your website, he would not even have seen you – and you would have missed out on that sale, your competitor will retire early and you will have to work over Christmas.

Take a look at our ROI Calculator below, to see how much SEO could potentially improve your business. Keep in mind that one good client could provide a lifetime of value for your business, depending on your industry.

How Much is SEO Worth? Calculate the ROI on our Monthly SEO Investment

The formula is (Gain from Investment – Cost of SEO Investment) / Cost of Investment Input Your Monthly SEO Investment.
What is the lifetime value of 1 new client or what revenue would a new lead bring you long-term


Google adwords are the equivalent of paying your way to the front of the queue. A person searches, you come up. Done!

Hmm yes and no.

AdWords are a quick fix to get your website to the top of page one. They are effective, no doubt about it – which is exactly why it costs so much. But, for most companies, it’s not a long-term solution. That level of investment is not indefinitely sustainable. And, once you stop paying for your AdWords, that’s it. Game over. Your rankings drop from page one.
Unless, of course, you have SEO-ed your site.

SEO is a long term investment that ensures you rank as high as possible for organic search – and stay there. With SEO, you don’t pay search engines (like google) to appear at the top of their searches. You pay for a service. If you want your website to rank consistently, then SEO is the answer.

Once you’ve had your website SEOed, you will rank. And will constant tweaking, you will stay there.
This “tweaking” is not whimsical. Or part of a strategy to keep you engaged. It is responsive. Google lets no man rest on his laurels. Google’s has over 200 ranking factors and the algorithm ranking factors increase daily. Expert SEO advice is the only way to stay on top.
Check out one of our SEO tools here.


Google has listed over 200 hurdles (aka ranking factors) that SEO consultants must jump over to ensure a site stays visible. These are moving targets, but essential for ranking. If you dont believe us, here is an article listing all the things that need to be monitored, maintained, tweaked and done to your website to ensure you rank.


No. Search engines update their algorithms regularly and every time they do, all SEO specialists cry. But in the long run, it’s actually a good thing. It’s a refinement process on their side that ensures that that property developer finds those strong student beds he was looking for, from a reputable dealer, instead of some backyard knock-off shop with a BEd Intermediate course under his belt.

SEO should be part of your marketing strategy. Every marketing agency still uses SEO as part of their strategy and so should you. But, you will need help. So make sure you choose an agency that looks at your business holistically, that has SEO experience, that understands the different levels of SEO – and can deliver.

“No website can stand without a strong backbone. And that backbone is technical SEO.”

— Neil Patel

What Does An SEO Company Do?

As an SEO agency, businesses hire us to increase their online visibility and google search ranking. Why? Because increased ranking equates to increased traffic and increased traffic to sales.

No site can survive without SEO. If you cannot be found, all the money you invested in building that site, is in vain. Your competitors will get your leads.

Every business, and every site is different. It’s not a one size fits all approach.

Our strategy is adaptive and personalised for every client. Our goal is to grow a businesses’ online footprint, in the best, most affordable and fruitful way. Together with the client we will develop an SEO strategy for their business. Then we implement. Test. Refine. Implement. Test and so it continues.

Our end goal is to make your site as google friendly and search engine optimised as possible, While simultaneously ensuring it is user-friendly, content rich, easily searchable and specifically targeted to me the needs of your target market. Once Google is happy, good search rankings are the inevitable result. As rankings improve, the website traffic improves. Visitors stay longer. And conversion rates increase.
Happy google = happy you = happy us.




This is our first step. We check the health of your website, where you rank currently and where you are in comparison to your competitors. Back links, health of links. Design. Structure. Etc




Using all the data harvested, and everything we have learnt from you, your needs, your target markets behavioural synopsis and engagement etc – we plan




Here we carry out what we have planned.




Implementation & review. Constant adjustment, testing and tweaking to ensure the desired results. Keeping clients up to date with progress on agreed deliverables via monthly seo/analytics reports


Years of SEO Experience

  • Local SEO – We use keywords that reflect the city or country where your business is based.
  • Global SEO – This is more for businesses that want to bring in international clientele. We use keywords that target a country other than your own.
  • Unique and sassy SEO strategies personalised for your industry, guided by keyword research,
    and user engagement profiles
  • Extensive keyword research – In short, we research you, your competitors and your industry! Most used keywords, search terms, frequency, engagement etc. We look at how your competitors are performing, their strengths and weaknesses vs yours – and then we select which keywords to rank for and get started
  • On-page optimisation – refers to quality content changes. Using keywords and HTML tags to increase search engine traffic to your site.
  • Off-page optimisation – for example link building and domain strength
  • Technical SEO (this refers to every aspect of SEO, besides on- and off-page optimisation. It looks at the website’s structure, determines how easy or difficult it is for search engines to crawl and index your content
  • Progress reports – a monthly feedback report, analysis of organic traffic and ranking report.
  • Passion! – Any real SEO expert has your business interests at heart. They are up-to-date, relevant and passionate.

And they direct all this energy into you – and building your business. Whether you are starting a website from scratch or are looking to improve your current one, look for an seo expert you can trust. Do your homework. Ask the difficult questions. Even test them out short term and monitor the results. But by that I mean, 3 months. Nothing is accomplished in the world of seo in less than 3 months. But, by then you will know. And should start seeing the results. Then, when you have found that person, hire them long term. SEO is not a short term strategy but with the right team, results are guaranteed.


We LOVE WordPress. Builders such as Wix and Squarespace can be SEOed but these platforms do not allow as much freedom as WordPress. If you want to beat your competitors, you will need more comprehensive SEO than what Wix and Squarespace allow. Yes, they may be more cost-effective short-term. But, long term, Word Press pays you back in kind. If you would like your website to be redesigned in WordPress give us a call!