Home Based Business Ideas

Let’s face it; the current job market isn’t exactly displaying optimism. With a staggering unemployment rate of around 26.6%, things don’t seem to be getting better anytime soon. But then again, who needs employment when you can earn right from home. Here are a few ideas requiring little to no capital to help get you started.

1.     Animal Breeding

animal breeding

What better way to make money than to promote the gift of life? All you need is a domestic pet with a clean health record. Some breeders charge up to R400 per hour for a single session!

2.     Cold call Salesman


Cold calling isn’t just limited to fancy Wall Street offices. Many small companies are now outsourcing their sales to individuals looking to earn a few extra bucks.  Multibillionaire Kenny Troutt paid his way through college just by selling life insurance.

3.     Event Planner

event planner

Like planning birthday surprises? Make it a profession; event planners can earn as much as R400 per hour. You will need to have a knack for intricate details though.

4.     eBay Reseller

ebay reseller

How much can you possibly earn by reselling used items lying around at home? The beauty of eBay reselling lies in how much you can expand. Get enough 5 star ratings and you could even become a vendor reselling bulk items for others.

5.     Organic Farming

organic farming

With growing public fears to the dangers of GMO seeds, organic farming does seem to be the inevitable next step. All you need are a few basic gardening supplies, plenty of sunlight, seeds and a little patience.

6.     Food Service

food service

What do Martha Stewart, Paul Newman and Debbie Fields have in common? Besides the fact that they are worth more than a small country’s GDP, all of them can trace their roots to small scale food businesses. Yes, it may sound clichéd, but there’s perhaps no other business with more potential than a home based food service.

7.     Dietary Consultant

dietary consultant

Dani Johnson went from being homeless to a millionaire in less than 2 years just by selling her weight loss program. She did use the help of a marketing service to differentiate her program from the numerous others in the market. Dietary consultants can expect to earn around R400 per hour so you it’s time to invest in improving eating habits.

8.     On-the-go Retailer

on the go

You don’t need a brick and mortar setting to become a retailer; you can simply sell items right from your pickup truck. The Food Lover’s Eatery opened in 2015 is a great example of what an on-the-go retailer can achieve.

9.     Ticket Brokerage


Sporting events manage to sell thousands of tickets within minutes. Why not cash in on all that revenue by working as a ticket broker? Even a tiny fraction of all those sales could help you pay for a new car.

10.    Freelancing

online agency cape town

Contrary to popular belief, freelancing isn’t some menial way to earn minimum wage. In fact, some freelancers can even earn at the price they set!

All you need is access to a computer and the knack to market your skills online. Flexible hours, minimal experience and no investment capital required. The catch? There is none!

11.    Carpooling Service


Live on the country side with long routes? A carpooling service may just be what the town needs. While carpooling may not earn you as much as the other businesses listed here, you can take solace in knowing that you’re paying Mother Nature her dues. Sign up now and get started with this lucrative business opportunity.

While all these business ideas have their own list of pros and cons, it is essential for all of them to be marketed well, especially in such a saturated market.

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